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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Baby Steps (or How a Simplistic Blogging Program Can Make You Feel like an Imbecile).

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Thanksgiving is a Turkey-free affair here at House Emino, but that is just fine with me. Makes more room for the Sweet Potato souflee! Mmm cinnamon-y yams. So, after taking a quick nap in front of the fire and knitting a few (dozen) rows on Ivy while watching Scrubs, I thought maybe I should sneak down here and give y'all a little Thanksgiving present!

You guessed it. Pictures!!!

I know that there are a few... issues with this. It isn't nearly as classy as everyone else's photo blogs. I apologize, but am going to be totally forward with you - you should never expect professional photos from me. For that, I recommend Brooklyn Tweed, one of my favorite knit-bloggers. Anyhow, what you see above is a close up of the "ivy" in Knitty's Ivy. This is a really terrible photo as far as color accuracy goes - it's really much more orangey than that. One day when I'm not a total idiot, I'll find a way to be more color accurate. (A good start would possibly be getting my own digital camera instead of using my sisters, with which I'm completely unfamiliar).

This is more of a progress-shot. As you can see, I'm roughly half-way up the back. I'm just a few inches short of starting the shoulder shaping decreases. I'm rather dreading that, simply because the nuisance of remembering when to decrease and increase sucks all the joy out of knitting for me. I think you can probably see now why I definitely prefer knitting socks. Utterly mindless, just the way that I like it! This is a labor of love for me, but I have high hopes that it will be totally worth all the effort.
In other news, the Wish Lists were recently passed around to my family this year. My younger sister, M, doctored up some cute little lists in Word, with little icons for each bulleted list and a big image at top, all of which was themed. (She gave my father a Grinch List, with little Max Dogs for each bullet. We thought this was uproarious.) I initially asked for the E. Zimmermann collection, and the Vogue Stitchionaries, and Addi Turbos. You know.. Knitter Christmas List standards. But then, after a little bit of thought, I came downstairs to the computer, totalled up what my wish list would have cost, and then requested that the amount be donated to St. Judes. Hopefully, this is what my parents will do. Honestly, I buy myself knitting things all year long. Why not give that hefty chunk of money to someone who really needs it? As it is, I have more yarn than I could possibly get to in a year.
I think I might go upstairs and dig into the cherry pie now. So long! Hope everyone is trippin' on tryptaphans!
With love,

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